When I first constructed my crabitat, I felt like I was lacking on toys for my hermit crabs to climb on. I had a few cholla wood logs that the pet store promised my hermits would love, which ended...
Archives: Blog
How To Introduce a New Hermit Crab To Its Tank Mates (In 6 Steps)
Good on you for wanting to give your hermit crabs another playmate. It’s recommended that a hermit crab enclosure contains at minimum two crabs of each species. This makes sure that everyone stays...
I remember picking up my hermit crabs from the store like it was yesterday. I was intrigued by the little guys and asked a store employee what she knew about them. The first thing she told me about...
When I first bought my hermit crabs, I thought they would be an easy pet to take care of. The plastic container I bought them in was a bit overpriced, but everything's overpriced at any boardwalk....
As your hermit crab grows, it needs shells that fit its evergrowing body. Since our little hermies cannot grow a shell themselves, they have to find larger shells left behind by snails, slugs, or...
Every responsible hermit crab owner knows that he or she should clean their hermit crab tank. The only part that gets confusing is a matter of how and when. I had this question as well, so I did...