I'm writing this article in July 2019 and it feels like the year has flown by. It's hard to believe winter is only 3 months away. With that comes the cold and another chore for my hermit crabs:...
Archives: Blog
I was recently at the walking along the boardwalk when I saw a large cage full of hermit crabs for sale. Hundreds of tiny crustaceans clung on all four sides of the cage all with beautifully painted...
How Long Can Hermit Crabs Go Without Food, Water, & Proper Care?
In a few weeks, I'm going on a week-long vacation. Luckily, I have a pet sitter coming to take care of my hermit crabs and keep them in good shape. I know a few hermit crabs owners, however,...
I was recently buying some shells for my hermit crabs. While gazing at their spiral shiny shells through my computer screen, I started to wonder. Where do these shells come from? I was one...
Every night I hear my little hermit crabs clicking shells as they scurry around their tank. After a while I started to wonder, how can they see at night? I wasn't sure so I did some research....
I remember when I first got my hermit crabs. After a few days after buying them I started to wonder, do they poop? So, I did some research. Hermit crabs, like all animals, defecate. It...